
DataTableEx is an advanced DataTable control for use with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net. This control includes additional functionality that is not part of the standard DataTable controls supplied with .NET.

DataTableEx extends the .NET System.Data.DataTable object with some extra functions and properties. Added functionality includes the ability to load and save XML files and Compressed XML files, handle language translations, and more...

Compressed XML files are intended to be used in cases where you wish to password protect and encrypt your xml files so others do not have access to them.

Some of the Additional Functions Included
GetField(): Reads a field by name and row number.
IsLoaded(): Is there an active dataset loaded into this object.
Filename(): Current File name loaded into this object.
FileVersion(): Version of the file loaded.
FileCompressionType(): If Compressed this is the compression type used.
Open(): Opens the XML or Compressed file.
Save(): Saves the XML or Compressed file.
Language Translation functions: Word and Phrase language translation functions.

Along with all of the other DataTable functionality

Click here for complete reference...

Developed for
.NET 4.0 Framework

Windows XP, Windows 7

Working samples included with download

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